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Date Duration Calculator – Duration Between Two Times and Dates

Sometimes you want to calculate the exact and sharp date durations in terms of total years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Such as detailed date summary is possible to be fetched with the help of a précised date duration calculator that allows you to get the results exactly the way you want. It enables the calculation in terms of difference between two specific dates & times.

Date duration calculator is a helpful online tool

This highly helpful online tool allows you to determine the difference between any two specific dates and times for your required purpose. You can get the result with utter accuracy in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, days, months and years. Not only this, but you also have the feature that allows you to include or exclude the ending date and time.

The date duration calculator becomes your best friend

The date duration calculator informs you on many areas of your concern. For instance, if you have an upcoming appointment with a doctor, a client or somewhere else, you can calculate the exact number of minutes and hours between the current time and the targeted time. For business meetings, conducting events, making important scheduled phone calls or much else, a date duration calculator tends to be your biggest help.

What else the date duration tool offers you?

The powerfully helpful date duration calculator offers you a lot, which includes the followings:

  • The information about starting date and whether it was included or not
  • The information about ending date and whether it was included or not
  • The ultimate result based on days
  • The conversion of days into minutes, hours and seconds
  • The specific days of month being included in the whole duration
  • The difference of time between two dates
  • The initial and final dates
  • The difference of two dates in months, days, weeks, hours, minutes and seconds
  • The specific days and months that are included between the two dates


How do you calculate time duration?

Calculation of time duration For this, you first are required to know the initial and final time. Subtract the starting/initial time from the final/ending time following the correct conditions involved. Make sure that the time is in 24-hour format. If it is not so, then first convert it. In both the formats, 12-hour and 24-hour, AM hours remain the same.

How do I find the duration between two dates in numbers?

Calculation of time duration between two dates In order to calculate the difference of two dates, you need to subtract the first date from the later and then divide the resultant by the relevant numbers. It will give you the duration of time between two dates.

What is a time duration?

Time Duration. The difference of time recorded to complete an activity from its starting time to ending time is called as the time duration. Thus, in order to know the time duration, you always need to know the initial and final time of an activity.

Why do we calculate duration?

Calculating the duration can be of great use. It can help an investor to figure out the length of time in years regarding the repaying of the bond’s price in terms of its cash flows. Calculating duration can also identify the changes in interest rates of a bond or fixed income.

Do you include end date in calculation?

End date is included in the calculation to count as the final day of the result. If you are supposed to count the total days an activity or event lasted for, you will include the starting and ending date. For example, an activity lasted from 1st and lasted till 4th, of the month, the activity lasted for 4 days.

Does between include start and end?

Yes, the BETWEEN operator is included as it chooses the desired valued within a defined range. Thus, start and end values are included.

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