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Home / Currencies / Brazilian Real

World Currencies – Federative Republic of Brazil Currency

Currency Rate:
5.1185 USD/BRL
GDP Growth:
IMF 2017
Full Name:
Brazilian Real
Plural Name:
Brazilian Reals
Minor Unit:
Centavo   = 1/100

The Brazilian Real ( sign: R$; code: BRL;name:Real) is the currency of Brazil. The one Brazilian Real is divided into 100 Centavo. The most commonly used symbol for the Real is R$, used on receipts when purchasing goods and services. Below, you'll find Brazilian Real Exchange rates.

The currency tool lets you see the current condition of the Real. Real is the major currency of the world and all other currencies are compared against it. This tool shows you the graphical representation of the Real rates in last 12 hours, last 24 hours, last week, last 2 weeks and last month.

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates Graph

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates Graph

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates Graph from Sat, 13 Apr 2024 12 pm to Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09 am UTC

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates Graph from Sat, 13 Apr 2024 12 pm to Sun, 10 Mar 2024 06 pm UTC

Brazilian Real Exchange Rates Graph from Sat, 13 Apr 2024 to Fri, 20 Oct 2023 UTC

1 Brazilian Real Rates table

Brazilian Real per unit Saturday 13th April 2024 12:00
Currecy name BRL per unit units per BRL
Australian Dollar 3.32087 0.30112
Canadian Dollar 3.71565 0.26913
Chinese Yuan 0.70726 1.41389
Euro 5.46177 0.18309
Hong Kong Dollar 0.65309 1.53118
Japanese Yen 0.03339 29.9452
Swedish Krona 0.47063 2.12480
Swiss Franc 5.59897 0.17860
Pound Sterling 6.37611 0.15683
United States Dollar 5.11711 0.19542

Currency is any country’s system of money. Currency can be used in various forms all of which serve as the basic medium of exchange. Every country has its own specific currency that is valid and in use only in that country. One needs to exchange the currency while visiting any other country. Different currencies include; Brazilian Real, US dollars, euros, dirham, pounds, yen etc.

Check the currency updates via online tool

There are online tools available that keep you updated on the latest fluctuation in the exchange rates of any currency. If you want to check for the open market currency updates for any country such as USA, UK, Real or else, you can use the currency tool. One currency can be compared with the other currency of your interest. Using this online currency tool, you can check out the graphs of currency rates in different time spans such as hourly and weekly updates. Last 12 hours, last 24 hours, last one or two weeks and 4 weeks i-e monthly updates can be viewed.

Dimensions of the currency tool

The online currency tool allows you to get updates on the following things:


Are there any countries sharing the same currency?

Twelve European countries share the same currency

How different currencies are converted?

Different countries can convert the currencies according to their needs that charge them with conversion fee. This results into a deduction of value sometimes.

Do all countries have currency codes?

Yes, all countries have their specific country codes that differentiate them from one another.

Do different countries with the same currency have the same country codes?

No, different countries with same currency have different monetary value plus different codes. For example, Brazilian Real is abbreviated as BRL, and similarly some others have their own individual currency codes.

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