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IP Address Lookup

If you are looking the IPv4 or IPv6 address information of an Internet user, you can get here what part of the country or world they are in by using this IP Address Lookup tool. What to do: Enter the IP address in the box below, then click "IP Lookup."

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What is IP addresses?

The Internet Protocol (IP) address is a number that your internet service provider gives to your device so that it can be found among billions of others. In a way, an IP address is like a home address online, because devices use IP addresses to find each other and talk to each other.

Here's how an IP address sends information where it needs to go. First, you type a website's name into the browser ( But your computer doesn't understand words. It only knows how to work with numbers. So it looks up the website's IP address ('s IP address is, finds it on the web, and then loads it on your screen.

Where is my IP address?

When an IP checker tool finds an IP address, it queries a database (like ARIN) to find out where in the world that IP address is mapped to or use this tool to find your IP Address What is my IP Address?. Your IP's geolocation is the name for this "area."

How do IP addresses work?

Each device on a network, like the internet, has its own IP (Internet Protocol) address. The main reason for having an IP address is so that devices can find each other and talk to each other. Without IP addresses, devices on the internet wouldn't be able to talk to each other.

IP addresses are similar to mailing addresses

A router is used to connect multiple devices to a single Internet connection in a typical home (or combination of routers). All of these devices have the same public IP address in this case.

How can I tell what my IP address is?

It's easy to find out what your IP address is. Use our tool (at the top of the page) from any web browser and it will show your IP address, IP location, hostname, and user agent

You can also use a script to automatically check your IP address.

What is an address in IPv4?

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) was introduced in 1981, well before the explosion of internet-connected devices. IPv4 employs a 32-bit address structure, which can accommodate about 4.3 billion IP addresses

What is an address in IPv6?

If you've been granted an IPv6 address, internet data transfers should be faster, more secure, and more dependable than with IPv4 addresses. According to a Google survey, the current global IPv6 usage rate ranges from 20% to 22%. However, IPv6 penetration in the United States exceeds 30%.

Note that an IPv4-only device cannot communicate with an IPv6-only device (or server).

IP addresses can be either public or private.

What does "public IP address" mean?

Your public IP address is the IP address that other devices on the internet can see when you connect to them. This IP address is also called the "external" IP address.

What does "private IP address" mean?

Your private IP address is the IP address that is given to you within your own network, like at home or at work. Each device you connect to your home or office router will be given a private IP address by the router. This lets the router tell which device's internet traffic is coming from and going to.

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