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AZOST – Azores Summer Time (Summer Time)

Azores Summer Time or AZOST has a UTC+00:00 which means that the time zone is equel with Greenwich Mean Time and it is located at the west of the Greenwich. Azores Summer Time or AZOST time zone is used during summer time and during standard time use Azores Time or AZOT time zone. .

Azores Summer Time zone is observing in locations:

Email Time Zone Indicator: +0000

An E-mail sent from somebody inside the Azores Summer Time zone could have the time zone listed as +0000 inside the headers of the email. (However, +0000 ought not to be in Azores Summer Time, as different time zones might have an equivalent Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset.
UTC/GMT itself shows up as +0000; −0000 implies the time zone basically obscure you'll be able to ignore that. However, the time zone's name can seem like a part of the time zone offset (like +0000 (UTC/GMT)); you can overlook that.

Where Azores Summer Time (AZOST) is Observed?

Other time zones that use the same UTC/GMT +00:00 offset:

Time zones determine the time in any country and city. It may differ in different cities of the same country. Using time zone, you can find the sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, current date and day light savings of any place. Time zone may be in + or – for any region, as compared to Greenwich Meridian time.

Time zones by Regions

AZOST Current Time:


Sunday,28 Apr 2024

Do You Know AZOST?

Current Azores Summer Time
Area with current same UTC +00:00

Observing cities as:

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