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What is a Solar Eclipse - When and why Solar eclipses do happen?

What is a Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon it happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun it can happen only at New Moon and if the Sun and the Moon are perfectly aligned as seen from Earth this makes the Moon fully or partially cover the sun almost every year. Every year about two solar eclipses happens sometimes there are even five solar eclipses in a year.
Simple A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.

Read about Eclipses | lunar eclipses

Why do solar eclipse occur?

  • A solar eclipse occur when the Moon's shadow falls on the Earth.

  • Never look at the Sun directly without protective eye gear
  • Do not look at the Sun through the pinhole, camera, telescope, binoculars, or any other optical device
  • Ever look at the Sun using hand-held solar viewer or eclipse glasses

There are four basic types of Solar eclipses

  • Total Solar Eclipse
  • Annular Solar Eclipse
  • Hybrid Solar Eclipse
  • Partial Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse

A total solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon it happens when the Sun is completely hidden behind the Moon, the dark shadow of the Moon fully blocks the Sun from our view . Total eclipses are one of nature’s most amazing, dramatic, a very strange and beautiful astronomical spectacle when it occurs somewhere on Earth about once or twice most years but are only visible from a narrow ribbon of the surface and often a year will pass without a total eclipse. Total eclipses start with a partial eclipse in which progressively more of the sun is eclipsed until the maximum eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse Image credit: Wekimedia

Annular Solar Eclipse

An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun is directly behind the moon, however, it looks like the Moon is smaller and this makes the Sun seem as an annulus or a very bright ring around the shape of the Moon in which the moon obscures the center of the sun.

Annular Solar Eclipse
Annular Solar Eclipse Image credit: wikimedia

Hybrid Solar Eclipse

A hybrid eclipse also called annular or total eclipse it happens when it looks like a total eclipse in some parts of the Earth, and an annular eclipse in other parts. Hybrid eclipses don't occur as often as other eclipses

Hybrid Solar Eclipse
Hybrid Solar Eclipse Image credit: wikimedia

Partial Solar Eclipse

A partial eclipse occurs when the moon isn't precisely between the Sun and Earth, so partial eclipse doesn't hide the Sun completely. Partial eclipse usually can be seen from a large part of the Earth

Partial Solar Eclipse
Partial Solar Eclipse Image credit: wikimedia

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