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    Everyone checks the time using the hour and minute hands. According to Biggert& Funk's QlockTwo design, time can be conveyed in words. When asked whether this simple time indicator was the emphasis of product development, Marco Biggert replied, "This is the most human way to read the time.

    It can be read without interpretation.

    You need not translate it; you may read it: Andreas Funk is a co-founder and co-founder of QlockTwo.

    Variations on the Qlocktwo watch

    There are numerous alternatives available for the QlockTwo range of clocks, including the following:

    • Wall watch
    • Desk clock
    • Wristwatch

    Artist's Edition

    In an interview with Melanie Feist, the German editor of, the inventors of QlockTwo discuss the product's conception, functionality, and limitless applications. Initial examination reveals a seemingly random arrangement of letters in a matrix. On the other hand, time can be observed in a written text by gently pressing a button.

    A nation for keeping time in qlocktwo

    The time displayed on the globe clock is simple text, phrases, and words. The selected language will be utilized to deliver Qlocktwo. You only need a replacement front cover to display the time in a different language.


    What is the date that qlocktwo was set up to measure?

    The installation of the world's largest QLOCKTWO, which is 5.2 meters by 5.2 meters and weighs a whopping five tons, took place in 2013.

    Where did the inspiration for the QLOCKTWO's design come from? Describe the very first thing you created.

    Biggert and Funk had already made art and other things by hand with each other when they were younger. Already at this time, time was a recurring theme in their works. Even when they were still in school, they made drawings that looked like a QLOCKTWO. The idea grew over time and turned into the different models of the QLOCKTWO we know today.

    How did the name QLOCKTWO come about?

    Since QLOCKTWO is focused on creativity, the use of a "Q" rather than a "C" in the name is appropriate.. On the other hand, the word "TWO" comes from how the two founders, Biggert and Funk, worked together to create the brand and the idea.

    Who dreamed up qlocktwo?

    To make the time look different. Biegert and Funk, the two founders, had the idea repeatedly.

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