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Moon Calculator – Tri-Lakes Moonrise, Moonset and Meridian Passing Times

Moon 10
Moon: 75.0% (Waxing Gibbous)
Moon Direction:
139.91 ° SE
Moon Altitude:
27.45 °
Moon Distance:
400645 KM
Moon Position:
Moon over horizon
Moonrise Today:
04:07 pm (104°) ESE
Moonset Today:
02:40 am (260°) West
Transit Today:
09:38 pm (36°)
Current Time :
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 07:13:15 pm
United States

United States, Tri-Lakes Moonrise and Moonset Times

Find for moonrise and moonset times using an astronomical calculator. It calculates the moonrise, moonset, meridian passing times, position of the moon, distance of moon in kilometers, moon direction and altitude, moon illumination, and the moon phase calendar of Tri-Lakes. It also informs you of the latest and yearly daylight saving time. Using astronomical calculator, you can search for the moonrise and moonset of a Tri-Lakes for the entire month and year.

Moonrise, Moonset, Meridian Crossing Times June 2024

2024 Moonrise and Moonset Times Meridian Crossing
Jun Moon Rise Time Set Time Transit Time Distance KM Illumination
1 Moon 03:11 am  ↑  (90°) East 03:46 pm  ↑  (274°) West 09:22 am (49.7°) 368357 28.6%
2 Moon 03:34 am  ↑  (81°) East 05:00 pm  ↑  (284°) WNW 10:10 am (56.8°) 368163 18.4%
3 Moon 03:59 am  ↑  (72°) ENE 06:17 pm  ↑  (292°) WNW 11:01 am (63.4°) 368900 10.0%
4 Moon 04:28 am  ↑  (64°) ENE 07:35 pm  ↑  (300°) WNW 11:54 am (69.0°) 370674 4.04%
5 Moon 05:03 am  ↑  (58°) ENE 08:52 pm  ↑  (306°) NW 12:51 pm (73.4°) 373506 0.68%
6 Moon 05:46 am  ↑  (53°) NE 10:05 pm  ↑  (309°) NW 01:51 pm (76.1°) 377297 0.12%
7 Moon 06:39 am  ↑  (51°) NE 11:06 pm  ↑  (310°) NW 02:52 pm (76.9°) 381820 2.22%
8 Moon 07:41 am  ↑  (52°) NE 11:55 pm  ↑  (307°) NW 03:50 pm (75.8°) 386732 6.66%
9 Moon 08:48 am  ↑  (55°) NE 12:33 am  ↑  (313°) NW 04:44 pm (73.2°) 391636 12.9%
10 Moon 09:55 am  ↑  (60°) ENE 01:02 am  ↑  (308°) NW 05:34 pm (69.3°) 396130 20.7%
11 Moon 11:02 am  ↑  (66°) ENE 01:26 am  ↑  (301°) WNW 06:19 pm (64.5°) 399848 29.4%
12 Moon 12:05 pm  ↑  (73°) ENE 01:46 am  ↑  (293°) WNW 07:01 pm (59.2°) 402510 38.8%
13 Moon 01:06 pm  ↑  (81°) East 02:04 am  ↑  (286°) WNW 07:41 pm (53.5°) 403930 48.5%
14 Moon 02:06 pm  ↑  (89°) East 02:03 am  ↑  (275°) West 08:19 pm (47.7°) 404019 58.2%
15 Moon 03:06 pm  ↑  (96°) East 02:21 am  ↑  (267°) West 08:58 pm (41.9°) 402792 67.6%
16 Moon 04:07 pm  ↑  (104°) ESE 02:40 am  ↑  (260°) West 09:38 pm (36.2°) 400359 76.5%
17 Moon 05:11 pm  ↑  (112°) ESE 03:00 am  ↑  (252°) WSW 10:20 pm (30.9°) 396921 84.5%
18 Moon 06:17 pm  ↑  (118°) ESE 03:24 am  ↑  (246°) WSW 11:07 pm (26.3°) 392755 91.2%
19 Moon 07:26 pm  ↑  (124°) SE 03:52 am  ↑  (239°) WSW 11:58 pm (22.6°) 388202 96.3%
20 Moon 08:36 pm  ↑  (128°) SE 04:28 am  ↑  (234°) SW 12:54 am (21.4°) 388029 96.4%
21 Moon 09:41 pm  ↑  (130°) SE 05:14 am  ↑  (231°) SW 01:54 am (18.9°) 383447 99.3%
22 Moon 10:39 pm  ↑  (129°) SE 06:12 am  ↑  (231°) SW 02:56 am (18.2°) 379206 99.8%
23 Moon 11:25 pm  ↑  (125°) SE 07:20 am  ↑  (233°) SW 02:56 am (20.7°) 375722 97.8%
24 Moon 12:01 am  ↑  (131°) SE 08:36 am  ↑  (238°) WSW 03:55 am (23.7°) 372870 93.0%
25 Moon 12:30 am  ↑  (123°) ESE 09:53 am  ↑  (245°) WSW 04:51 am (28.4°) 370887 85.8%
26 Moon 12:55 am  ↑  (115°) ESE 11:09 am  ↑  (253°) WSW 05:43 am (34.2°) 369751 76.5%
27 Moon 01:17 am  ↑  (106°) ESE 12:24 pm  ↑  (263°) West 06:33 am (40.8°) 369378 65.7%
28 Moon 01:39 am  ↑  (96°) East 01:37 pm  ↑  (272°) West 07:20 am (47.8°) 369662 54.1%
29 Moon 01:39 am  ↑  (84°) East 02:50 pm  ↑  (281°) West 08:08 am (54.8°) 370513 42.3%
30 Moon 02:03 am  ↑  (75°) ENE 04:04 pm  ↑  (290°) WNW 08:56 am (61.4°) 371876 30.9%
All times and dates are local time based on the Gregorian calendar and Daylight Saving Time is auto adjustments when applicable. Illumination and Distance are calculated at lunar noon.
41.2458800 -85.4419200 -14400

As the sun has defined times of rising and setting, moon also has specific rising and setting times. It has a specified distance from the Earth with its own altitude. The moon phases keep on varying according to a cyclic pattern such as crescent moon, new moon, half moon and full moon. Astronomical calculator finds out all observations in Tri-Lakes, United States or any other city.

What does the astronomical calculator tell?

The astronomical calculator tells the following things regarding the moon:

  • Direction of the moon
  • Altitude and distance of the moon from earth
  • Position of the moon
  • The current phase of the moon
  • Latest moonrise and moonset times as per the current day
  • The transition of the latest day

Moon Calculator calculating the moon's path, position, moonrise, moonset, Meridian Passing times, moon distance in Killometer, moon direction, moon altitude, moon illumination and moon phases calendar for Tri-Lakes, United States. and daylight saving time is auto adjustments in moon times if applicable. Table is showing for Tri-Lakes moonrise, moonset and Meridian crossing for whole month.


Does the moonset and moonrise times tell about daylight saving time?

Yes, daylight saving time is observed in accordance to moonrise and moonset times of any region.

Does altitude affect the moonset and moonrise times in a city?

Yes, altitude and distance of moon from Earth has a great impact on its rising and setting times.

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